A captivating documentary journey that illuminates
the remarkable paths of influential individuals

24 June, 2024

Qatar, Doha





30 April, 2024

30 April, 2024





Contemporary Characters Book

A captivating documentary journey that illuminates the remarkable paths of diverse and influential individuals in Qatar. Explore the challenges they overcame to achieve success, showcasing inspiring role models from various sectors and nationalities. This project is a testament to resilience, aiming to be a guiding light for the younger generation, encouraging them to pursue their dreams amidst adversity. Following the success of its first edition featuring 47 prominent Qatari women, this sequel continues to share stories of perseverance and achievement, creating a legacy of inspiration.

Benefits of The Event


Inspire the younger generation to achieve their dreams by guiding them through the stories of accomplished
individuals, fostering resilience and aspiration for success.


Establish a comprehensive
documentary archive for scholars exploring historical stages, providing insights into the transformative journey of Arab societies.


Pay tribute to Qatari
leadership, celebrating
figures who made an
indelible mark through
devoted commitment and relentless pursuit of goals.


Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al Thani

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar to the King- dom of  SwedenS

Sheikha Aljeffery

Member of the Shura Coun- cil, member of the Central Municipal Council, and chairwoman of the Council’s Legal Committee

Badriya Al Lenjawi

Executive Director at
Hamad Hospital

Ola Al Fares

journalist for Al-Jazeera channel, she was selected among the 100 most influ ential figures in the Arab world

Banna Al Khalifa

Officer & Head of the Social Support Department in the Community Police Depart ment

Iman Al Kaabi

Chief News Editor at Qatar Radio

Malika Al Shraim

Director of the New Media Department at the Public Foundation for the Cultural Village

Fatima Al Rumaihi

CEO of Doha Film

Mona AL Muslimani

Senior Consultant Infec tious Diseases and Medi cal Director of the Com municable Disease Center at Hamad Corpora

Dima Al Khatib

Journalist, writer transla tor, and general manag er of Al Jazeera Plus digital service

Amal Ameen

Leading Businesswomen in the Middle East

Hamda Al Sulaiti

Vice President of the Shura Council and member of the Bureau of the United Nations Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union


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Contemporary Characters 1st Edition Event

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Event schedule

James Killer

UX Lead, Shopify

Inclusion is not your job!

Marissa Louie

UX Lead, Shopify

Uplevelling design at SiriusXM & Pandora

Robert Pattinson

UX Lead, Shopify

The reason you are failing and how to fix it

Marissa Louie

UX Lead, Shopify

Uplevelling design at SiriusXM & Pandora

Robert Pattinson

UX Lead, Shopify

The reason you are failing and how to fix it

James Killer

UX Lead, Shopify

Inclusion is not your job!

James Killer

UX Lead, Shopify

Inclusion is not your job!

Robert Pattinson

UX Lead, Shopify

The reason you are failing and how to fix it

Marissa Louie

UX Lead, Shopify

Uplevelling design at SiriusXM & Pandora


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About The Event

Launch ceremony of 'The Journey of Prominent Women in the Modern Era' by Hamad Al Tamimi

24 June, 2024

Qatar, Doha